Haujobb and five facts about the influential electronic music duo!
The things you should know about electronic music masters, Haujobb!
New Bands on the Blog #Exclusive Edition | Voices 77
The day I'm writing this, we found out ElektroSpank Online Music Magazine is 4th in the rank among 35 amazing, industrial music blogs and websites.
New Bands on the Blog #Exclusive Edition | Gothnetic
Searching for music is a daily favourite routine. Time, consciously chosen to be spent on something beloved. How awesome is though when music finds you? Plus it's so good you feel like sharing with everyone. This is the case when it comes to Jason Schatzle aka Gothnetic.
New Bands on the Blog #Exclusive Edition | Pornographie Exclusive
New Bands on the Blog changes its format to give every new artist the chance to be exclusively featured on ElektroSpank Online Music Magazine. We're all unique and deserve to be treated as such.
New bands on the blog #Summer Edition
Being in the heart of summer , inevitably daydreaming about different ways to create new memories of beautiful moments and fun as holidays are on the threshold and finally time for action.
New Bands On The Blog | Electra Descending, Chalk, Ashen Decay, VAPORMOON, Molyneaux, IDontWantToLiveAnymore
Our story series continues with talented new artists and projects;this time from Virginia, Ireland,Czechia, France,Greece and Oregon.