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Isolated Youth, a spiritual call to arms | Interview

One of the new bands that is, really, overflowing with strong and true emotions! Isolated Youth.

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Marva Von Theo - Cold, Love Dreams, through Dark Lyricism on jazz lines | Interview

 When the dark feelings and synths meet some jazz vocals and gothic dreamy stories, then you have found Marva Von Theo.

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Andreas Herrmann, the man with a vision for cold wave, dark wave music and bands | Interview

Andreas Herrmann, the man behind Cold Transmission label, shared with us his vision for the dark music scene, his label and Cold Transmission Festival 2019.

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Hapax, dark synths, post-punk riffs and stories about self-determination and lost communications | Interview

Hapax, the dark-wave, post-punk project from Naples, talks about the shadow-side inspirations and melancholic components that consist their new album "Monade".

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About ElektroSpank - FMA - Online Music Magazine

ElektroSpank FMA is an online music magazine about the darkest side of our lives.

We write about Gothic, industrial, dark wave and all of their sub genres. ElektroSpank FMA is not only about music, but for the dark, Gothic lifestyle as well. We try to support the music and scenes we love. For those who have never heard about ElektroSpank before please visit our about page for more info and history.


ElektroSpank | FMA

Online Music Magazine

Underground Music Genres and Lifestyle

Event Agenda

Artists Promotion

Contact: info[at]elektrospank[dot]com

Athens, Greece

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