Skemer - Benevolence | Review
Skemer - Benevolence
October 2019
AVANT! Records
Skemer illuminates the darker aspects of the album "Benevolence" with the first release, by AVANT! records, on October 25th, 2019.
Velvet Kills - Bodhi Labyrinth | Review
Velvet Kills - Bodhi Labyrinth
March 2020
Icy Cold Records/Manic Depression Records/Unknown Pleasures Records
Velvet Kills will will guide to you to the exit of your mind and body labyrinth!
BUNKER RITUALS FESTIVAL, 28-29 February 2020 | Live Review
Dark synthetic sounds, a few bands, fog & flashing lights and also a big after-show party!
Sleepless Droids - Dust | Review
Sleepless Droids - Dust
January 2020
Self Released
Post-Industrial out of "Dust".