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Batcave : From London to Athens

Entering into the Athens "Batcave" events. 15 years of dark, gothic nights!

I believe that we are all familiar with the terms "Batcave" and "Batcaver". What started as a weekly club night in Central London back in 1982, was meant to define the fans of original goth rock music of the 80's, while, later, and since the terms "new punks" and "goth" became interchangeablethe Batcave has to be seen as the root of indie dance music*.

Many years later a series of events based in Athens, Greece, borrowed the title and term and, one of the most successful series of one-off events was born. "Batcave", Athens, has been inspired and influenced by the same stimuli, sounds and styles in which the original, legendary London club night was based and established. 

"Batcave" Athens was born in 2006, and the main idea was to bring together different aspects of goth subcultures through the variety of DJs invited in the event. And, above all, and as it was back in 1982 London, a night where goth rockers, dark wavers and everyone around this subculture could join and feel free. A night for freaks, weirdos* , mascaras, fishnets and coffins. All the DJs had half to one hour to present their view on the "dark" side, which is, still, haunting the admirers of "different", all the fetichists and the fans of dark romance... (Batcave Events Press Release, 2007).

ElektroSpank has been in the Batcave since its first nights, either as a fan of the goth music and subculture or, sometimes, as guest DJ. "Batcave" became 15 years old now and, on the occasion of the upcoming event, Saturday 18/12/2021, at Death Disco Club, Athens, Greece,  I had this beautiful chat about it, with the man behind all these dark nights, George Tamvakalogos Z.

ES: Hello George. The "Batcave" event is coming up and I would love to hear some info about this event. Can you tell us some things about the "Batcave". When did this all begin?

George: Hi Akill,thank you for the interview, I started Batcave parties in June 2006 in Athens/GR Underworld Club,I have been doing this party for 15 years, I am deranged for DeathRock/Dark Wave/Post Punk thus I deceided to start my own event dedicated to the music I was obsessed during my adolocent,the game changer idea of mine was to invite as many DJ's as possible (6 to 12),it became an instant success from day one, now 15 years later Batcave still fills tottaly the hosting club (Death Disco), obviously the name was taken by the infamous london's Goth/Post Punk Club Batcave...i believe its aura leeds us...

George Tamvakologos Z

ES: Would you like to share with us the idea behind "Batcave"? Which was your first thoughts back then when you decided to launch this event?

George: It was the summer of 2004,i was working at ODD club as a bartender,things were not working out really..so i was asked by the club owner if i could help somehow, so i came up with the idea of doing an Industrial/Electro/Ebm party with many guest DJ's, i named it "United",i just wanted to bring as many clubbers as possible so i could help the Club,that night we had 300 tickets sold, a night to remember, the club owner happy and a ground breaking party and idea on the run, the next few years copycat-events were in every Dark/Goth Athens Club but i did not really cared,I was doing the original. Batcave was my next step a tribute to my origins.The rest is history more than 90 Batcave parties so far..and 30 United parties.

ES: Can you share with us some of the highlights of "Batcave"? Which are the strongest memories you have? Which is the one of the events you remember the most and why?

George: Not really, so many amazing night's to remember, from 200 to 600 people , full packed clubs,alcahol, great music, all mixed up with friends and so much fan...

ES: Apart from you, there are several people who have made "Batcave" the event it is today. Would you like to say something for the people around it, the DJs, the clubs or even the people who support the "Batcave" all these years, the fans?

George: Batcave is all about the fans of DeathRock/Dark Wave/New Wave/Post Punk, they made it big,The 80's amazing bands and their legacy made this party what it is....i just did my best to make it happen, without the DJ's the bands and the clubs there would be no Batcave and the memories/feelings we have shared-lived so far, so each one of the DJ's have my love and respect for being part of my events Aswell the Club owners !!! Thank you all guys you are the BATCAVE !!! i am just the medium....

photo - Leo Skiadas

ES: Did you expect that an event like this would last so many years and how do you feel about it? Was there any moment that made you think that, perhaps, you should stop running an event, so demanding? And what was this, what gave you the strength to keep it up, and made you to get "Batcave" where it is today?

George: No way....it was just a one off event but it's unexpectable success became a one way ownwards ticket...,i never thought of stoping doing The Batcave party,how could i ? people love it,i love it,it still sells out..., i stopped other parties of mine for various reasons, like United and Fetish Ball parties and many more i was doing, i got tired by psycho's,i had to focus in my band and my personal life, clubing for so many years was my profesion but trust me its not easy its a soul sucker and i am happy to be still alive and sane...,dont forget that Batcave it's on 6 times per year,United was 4 times per year, Fetish ball party was also 4 times per year...i just had to choose which one i will keep doing ,turned out to be an easy choise...

photo - Nick Drivas

ES: Thank you very much. Would you like to tell something more to our readers about the "Batcave"?

George: I would like to thank each one of you that have joined The Batcave party-night's ! a HUGE RESPECT and LOVE to the guest DJ's and the Clubs that hosted THE BATCAVE for so many years....
Releash the Batssssssssssssssssssss......

* Source: Batcave (Club) - Wikipedia




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About ElektroSpank - FMA - Online Music Magazine

ElektroSpank FMA is an online music magazine about the darkest side of our lives.

We write about Gothic, industrial, dark wave and all of their sub genres. ElektroSpank FMA is not only about music, but for the dark, Gothic lifestyle as well. We try to support the music and scenes we love. For those who have never heard about ElektroSpank before please visit our about page for more info and history.


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