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Meat Injection, greek dark electro that will darken our souls - Interview

Meat Injection is a synthwave, dark-electro band from Greece.

It is true that Greek synth, dark-electro scene has been really active lately with several bands and young artists trying to make the difference and keep the "darkness" active. One of this bands and perhaps one of the best currently, is Meat Injection. A band that formed back in 2016, playing an emotional but strong synthwave, dark music, with beautiful wave tunes and the voice of a charismatic lead singer. 

Meat Injection have already released two EPs, "Death For Fun" (2016), In Club Records and "Hang Me Love Me" (2017), Self Released. They have played several gigs across the country including an opening act show for the German band Bleib Modern. Currently they are preparing their first album 'System Anomaly'.

I had the pleasure to meet them and had a really interesting chat with them on their music and the dark electro scene... Go ahead read what they told to ElektroSpan and go catch them on a live performance.

Meat Injection will perform live in Future Sonic Festival III, along with other great local bands like SOaNNEFaIR, Grey Gallows, Meat Injection, Strange Sense. Future Sonic Festival III is a Greek festival which takes place for third year with the participation of bands and musicians of the local alternative scene, in a combination of different musical sounds and directions.

Enjoy Meat Injection...

band photos by Anthony David Photography

ES: Hi. Meat Injection. I believe you are one of the local bands that has been really active lately. Would you like to tell us some things for you, to introduce yourselves to our readers?

MI: Hey ElektroSpank, thank you very much for having us. We are based in Athens and active since 2016. We play dark electro, synth wave, post punk. We have already released two EP's and with some changes in the line up we are currently composing our first LP ''system anomaly'' to be released on May by Wave Records. Members: Dimitris Katsikadis, Cleopatra Kaido, John Christidis.

ES: Your music contains a variety of influences, mainly from the dark, synth scene. Can you tell us which are those influences? The bands, artists or anything that has inspired you the most, music-wise and lyric-wise.

MI: We love Monster Magnet, Marilyn Manson, In the Nursery, Clan of Xymox, Ride,drab majesty and so many others.

ES: How did you get involved with music in general and when did you decide that you will create your own music and form a band?

MI: All of us had previously other bands, our love for music and all these feelings and energy that comes out of our favourite  bands created the need to express ourselves through creating our own music paths.

ES: What drew you towards making dark/synthwave music?

MI: Maybe that's how we feel at this period of time. Dark and needing to scream.

ES: You have recently released a new single "Black out Sentiment" on Bandcamp, 3 months after the previous "System Anomaly" and "Dead Santa". Can you tell us what can we expect from Meat Injection? Is there any new release coming up? Full-length or EP?

MI: We are currently composing our first LP ''system anomaly'' to be released on May 2019 by Wave Records.

ES: Would you like to share with us the proccess of writing and producing your music? The difficulties, the feelings...

MI: It's a team work, some times it takes time as a momentary strong feeling  may lead to a new melody which is then finalised by all of us with the precious help of our producer Nick ''The Mute'' Chaldoupis.

ES: You have performed live in different shows and venues in Greece lately. How do you feel on stage? What is the feedback you get from the audience?

MI: We love playing gigs, this is when we feel true and free in our soul.  Some people like our music some don't,first we believe in ourselves in what we do and we suppose people likes our shows, you know it's like a mirror when you feel the energy inside you when you have the passion and you express it then people can have the same feeling

ES: Along with any new release, are there any plans for future live performances? Any thing already scheduled? Do you consider performing abroad as well?

MI: We are always trying to play at various clubs, festivals. For now we have scheduled to play at Chimeres.place in Future Sonic Festival III, while we will be on Home Radio, 89.1 FM,where we will present our latest songs, "Lust Endlessly Last" and "System Anomaly". An announcement on this will follow soon. We would like to play abroad and we hope very soon.

ES: How do you see darkwave/syntheave scene in Greece lately? Do you see any differences with the past?

MI: We are glad that there are so many good bands out there such as Selofan, Tango Mangalore, Doric trying their best and that's something beautiful.we see many differences but it's a long story the point is that some of us stay active between those difficulties and differences

ES: How would you like to see Meat Injection in the future? How high up on the dark/synth ladder will Meat injection be in, let's say, five years?

MI: Time will tell, we are very happy with what we do until now and we want to spread the world our music and touch people.

ES: Would you like to share something else with our readers and dark/electro music fans? Any last thoughts?

MI: stay dark

ES: Thank you very much. Looking forward to see you performing live and listen to your next releases. I wish you will achieve all of your dreams and I am really glad to have spoken with you.

MI: All the best Elektrospank. Thank you for invite us we wish you all the best

Meat Injection - Lust Endlessly Last (demo)






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